Monday, February 11, 2013

Packing for Antarctica... There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing

Sue (that's my lovely wife)... BTW, it's her birthday today!  Anyway, Sue thinks I may have gone a bit overboard for this trip.  What you see before you is the following:
  • Two Canon Camera bodies;
  • Five Canon Camera lenses - for those who are interested (a 70-200mm, a 16-35mm, a 50mm, a 1.6x extender and a 18-55mm);
  • Two storm jackets in case a rogue wave splashes all over my camera equipment;
  • One panasonic HD camcorder;
  • One Hero 3 HD action camera - for those who don't know me, this was simply an impulse purchase as I'm so not into extreme sports. It's still pretty cool and I hope to do some cool things with it on this trip!
  • 308 GB of memory.... this should be enough!
I'm not sure how to carry all of this equipment. Perhaps a Sherpa?

Packing clothing is a whole new can of worms.  The key to surviving Antarctica is by layering: an Outer Layer (or shell), an insulation layer and a base core layer.  Also, you can't just bring everything you own.  You are expected to wear some clothing multiple times (yick)
Further, the base layer can't be cotton... which means I have to buy new underwear.
I went to REI yesterday and bought three pairs of this underwear (yes, I'm going there...)
Why do you need to know this? Well, because the company's tag line for this particular pair is "17 countries. 6 weeks. One pair of award-winning underwear. (Ok, maybe two)."  Although I'm sure this is all true, rest assured, I will be bringing more than one (or two) pairs.  TMI?

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Hi everyone, we would love your feedback and comments on our trip (and this blog). Please keep in mind that young eyes will be looking at this as well, so keep the comments to a PG rating.

Because we are in Antarctica, it may take some time for us to respond back to comments, but we will respond! Love to you all, THE CHAMS